Sunday, April 26, 2009

Honesty and Life

I was at a tennis tournament this weekend, and I witnessed something that just boggled my mind. A 7th grader was not playing an honest game against her opponent. 
At 1st, I was stunned. I mean after all, this was a 7th grade tennis match. It wasn't Wimbledon or the U.S. Open. Upon reflection, I realize that somewhere down the line, a person told this 7th grader that winning was the most important thing in the world. Don't get me wrong, I know that winning is the goal and it is important, but honesty and ethics can not be thrown out the window when they get in the way of winning. 
We can't live in the world where the slogan for life is, "Get what you can, anyway you can." That little slogan is how we end with Barry Bonds and his gigantic head lying about using steroids. That slogan gives you point shaving scandals in sports. That slogan gives us Bernie Madoff and his billion dollar "Ponzi" scheme. Somewhere along the way, these folks were told that winning is the ONLY thing. 
I am not that kind of person. My wife is not that kind of person. My daughter is not that kind of person. We compete at our jobs and at school, but we are going to be honest and ethical in that competition. If we win, that is just great. If we lose, we will try again. 
I am no Pollyanna. I know that that's not how a lot of the world thinks. I say, that's too bad because "get what you can, anyway you can" works for a while, but eventually, it jumps up and bites you. Everybody knows that Bonds is a liar, and Madoff and the point shaving guys almost always go to jail. 
Live life to the fullest, and live your life honestly. You may not get everything you ever wanted, but you will be respected and known as an honest person.